
Showing posts from 2017

Convert IMCEAX to X500 Address for NDRs

Paste this into Powershell ISE and modify accordingly. This script will replace all parts of a problematic X500 address into a readable format when an NDR is delivered. Example IMCEAEX value - $x = Read-host 'Enter IMCEAEX full value' $x = $x -replace "IMCEAEX-_", "X500:/" -replace "\+20", " " -replace "\+28", "(" -replace "\+29", ")" -replace "_", "/" -replace "\+2E", "." -replace '@.*', '';cls;Write-output $x 

Understanding VLAN Access Filters

Evening All I've spent a few days trying to get my head around VLAN Access-Maps and VLAN Access-Filters. I am sharing my configuration which works fine in my GNS3 lab. This is not been tested in a production environment so I would advise caution and some thorough testing before bringing into a live environment. So above is my test environment for VLAN Filters. Layer three is done on Router 1. I did actually try it on the L2 Switch however I couldnt get intervlan routing working so I had to use the Router. This is what is allowed  - Communication both ways between and Communication both ways from to  I have provided a limited output of the switch. Basically, I am covering the access-lists, VLAN configuration and interface configuration for review. If you don't create the MAC access-list and apply it to the VLAN access-map, then the endpoints will not learn the IP address of the other end points. You can be restrictive an...

Windows 10 Wireless connection asking for proxy server credentials

When using Windows 10 on a domain network, the wireless may show attention required and upon clicking the wireless connection name it disconnects and states "enter proxy server sign-in info". In the background, the client machine is making a connection to As the computer is not authorised to use the internet, but rather the user this was the cause of the popup. I whitelisted the domain for computer authenication and now the wireless connects with no requests for further authentication.