
Showing posts from June, 2017

Understanding VLAN Access Filters

Evening All I've spent a few days trying to get my head around VLAN Access-Maps and VLAN Access-Filters. I am sharing my configuration which works fine in my GNS3 lab. This is not been tested in a production environment so I would advise caution and some thorough testing before bringing into a live environment. So above is my test environment for VLAN Filters. Layer three is done on Router 1. I did actually try it on the L2 Switch however I couldnt get intervlan routing working so I had to use the Router. This is what is allowed  - Communication both ways between and Communication both ways from to  I have provided a limited output of the switch. Basically, I am covering the access-lists, VLAN configuration and interface configuration for review. If you don't create the MAC access-list and apply it to the VLAN access-map, then the endpoints will not learn the IP address of the other end points. You can be restrictive an...