
Showing posts from 2011

How to Enable Username and Password, and Enable Secret Password on Transport Input SSH on Cisco Router

Login into Router Type the following # enable config# hostname J01S01 config# ip domain-name squirrelsuccess config# crypto key generate rsa config# 768 config# aaa new-mode config# aaa authentication login default enable config# aaa authorization exec default local config# username jamie password Pa$$w0rd config# enable secret password cisco config# line vty 0 4 configline# exec-timeout 2 0 configline# privilege level 15 configline# logging synchronous configline# exec prompt timestamp configline# transport input ssh configline# end # write memory Please bear in mind that this offers no privledge levels, and is just for testing purposes only. Hope it helps someone out there!!

Configuring Windows 7 Remote Assistance

How to configure Windows Remote Assistance within a Domain Environment On the Server 1. Create a new Group Policy called 'Remote Assistance' and link it to a Container called 'Test - Remote Assistance'. 2. Apply the following settings in the 'Remote Assistance' Group Policy within the following section Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Remote Assistance; Allow only Vista or Later connections - Enabled Turn on session logging - Enabled [Stored in Documents\Remote Assistance Logs\] Customize Warning Message - Enabled { Please minimize or close any applications that display confidential information before accepting any requests for Remote Assistance.  } Solicited Remote Assistance - Disabled [this prevents requests for Remote Assistance being sent from the client machine] Offer Remote Assistance - Enabled Offer Remote Assistance - Permit remote control of this computer: Allow helpers to remotely control the computer. Offer Rem...

AutoDesk AdminImage Deployment via Batch File

For an automated installation of multiple AutoDesk products using AutoDesk's Admin Image utlity, use the following switch when executing setup.exe (/w). This would then work nicely in a batch file. An example would be; //myserver/autocad/adminimage/setup.exe /w /qb /i //myserver/autocad/adminimage/autocad.ini //myserver/3dsmax/adminimage/setup.exe /w /qb /i //myserver/3dsmax/adminimage/3dsmax.ini pause Hope this helps... Reference:

Ableton activation for all MAC users

To enable Ableton to work for all users complete the following; Login as an administrator, or a root administrator. Authorise Ableton using the administrator account. Open up Terminal and type the following without quotes and replacing the astrixs (*) with the username of the administrator who registered the program and changing the version number to match the one you are installing. "sudo mkdir -p /library/application\ support/ableton/live\ 8.0.1/unlock/" "sudo cp -R /users/*****/library/application\ support/ableton/live\ 8.0.1/unlock/ /library/application\ support/ableton/live\ 8.0.1/unlock/" If you receive an error about permissions, you may need to login as a true admin. Try reading this article and complete the activation again using thataccount. Hope this helps. J