
Showing posts from November, 2011

How to Enable Username and Password, and Enable Secret Password on Transport Input SSH on Cisco Router

Login into Router Type the following # enable config# hostname J01S01 config# ip domain-name squirrelsuccess config# crypto key generate rsa config# 768 config# aaa new-mode config# aaa authentication login default enable config# aaa authorization exec default local config# username jamie password Pa$$w0rd config# enable secret password cisco config# line vty 0 4 configline# exec-timeout 2 0 configline# privilege level 15 configline# logging synchronous configline# exec prompt timestamp configline# transport input ssh configline# end # write memory Please bear in mind that this offers no privledge levels, and is just for testing purposes only. Hope it helps someone out there!!

Configuring Windows 7 Remote Assistance

How to configure Windows Remote Assistance within a Domain Environment On the Server 1. Create a new Group Policy called 'Remote Assistance' and link it to a Container called 'Test - Remote Assistance'. 2. Apply the following settings in the 'Remote Assistance' Group Policy within the following section Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Remote Assistance; Allow only Vista or Later connections - Enabled Turn on session logging - Enabled [Stored in Documents\Remote Assistance Logs\] Customize Warning Message - Enabled { Please minimize or close any applications that display confidential information before accepting any requests for Remote Assistance.  } Solicited Remote Assistance - Disabled [this prevents requests for Remote Assistance being sent from the client machine] Offer Remote Assistance - Enabled Offer Remote Assistance - Permit remote control of this computer: Allow helpers to remotely control the computer. Offer Rem...