
Showing posts from 2013

Configuring Cisco CME Voice Gateway (VG) for incoming and outgoing calls using Sipgate trunk

Hi All For my reference and your's, here is a working sample configuration for configuring sipgate ( for incoming and external VOIP calls on a 2800 series Cisco router. Using GNS3; My wireless adapter has internet connection sharing enabled, and I have created a loopback adapter which is the 'internet' adapter as you can see below. I have tested making calls using Cisco's CIPC version 8 and receiving calls. This doesn't have to be done in GNS3, just pick up yourself a real voice gateway. version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname VG-EP ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! ! aaa new-model ! ! aaa authentication login http local aaa authentication login ssh local aaa authorization exec http local ! aaa session-id common ! resource policy ! memo...

Connecting to Cisco Virtual Wireless Controller Console within VM Workstation

Connect to your Cisco vWLAN via console within VM Workstation 9; Turn off your VM Go into the Settings of your VM Within the Hardware tab, Select Add.  Select Serial Port Click Create / Use a Named Pipe.  Make sure these are selected for the Named Pipe \\.\pipe\com_x (x being 1, 2, 3, 4, etc). This end is the server The other end is an application Save all changes and power on VM.  Open up Putty Click Serial Type in Named Pipe. Thats it - it should connect. Works for me. Have fun. 

Rightfax - Unable to send fax

When trying to send a fax as an email, you are presented with the following message from Rightfax. Your fax has not been sent. The gateway was unable to validate the e-mail address of the message sender. The message has been discarded. Open up RightFax Enterprise Fax Manager, go into users and ensure there is an email address entered in for the user who are sending a fax as.

How to change link, hover & visited CSS Styles within a div

Create your div and name it appropriately and place a hyperlink in it, and then in the CSS, apply the following; #mydiv A:link,#mydiv A:hover,#mydiv A:visited { color:#ffffff; }   This then prevents the changing of colours of other links outside of that specific DIV.