
Showing posts from 2012

Incoming mail problems - document libraries within SharePoint 2010

I followed TechNet articles so I would be able to email my document libraries however something did not work. I created a host record for my SharePoint Web Front end, and named it SP to receive email. When I tried emailing my Document Library, I received the message; Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: mydocs@sp.mydomain.local The recipient e-mail system can't process this message now. Please try resending the message later. However, to fix the issue highlighted in red, I changed the SMTP Domain name and it worked instantly!   My References: - Screenshots! I spent several hours on this, small detail! I suppose my next issue is external email. Hope this helps one of you out here!!

Configuring WCS alarm notifications

Follow these steps to configure alarm notifications on your WCS. Log into WCS Click Administration then Settings Click Configure Mail Delivery Settings ( Can't remember the actual name, will modify) Configure all necessary SMTP settings Tick ‘Apply recipient list to all alarm categories’ Click Test Make sure the settings are still there after testing Click Save Check settings are still there Click ‘Configure email notification for individual alarm categories’. Click the Alarm Category (not necessary, dependant on alert type)                                                                i.       Adjus...

Sql 2008 Cluster - Add Node Error

During the end of the installation for configuring a new cluster with the SQL 2008 Enterprise installation,  the following error was shown; The following error has occurred; There was an error setting private property 'RequireKerberos' to value 1 for resource 'SQL Network Name () Error: Value does not fall within the expected range. The solution to is to register the SPN of the user account you created to run the services. Open up the Command Prompt and type the following; setspn -L mynet\sqlservice setspn -s MSOLAPSvc.3/sqlcluster:cluster1 mynet\sqlservice setspn -s MSOLAPSvc.3/sqlcluster.mynet.local:cluster1 mynet\sqlservice setspn -s MSSQLSvc/sqlcluster:cluster1 setspn -s MSSQLSvc/sqlcluster.mynet.local:cluster1 sqlcluster is the name of my SQL cluster set during the SQL installation and cluster1 is the name of my instance. Once you have done this, make sure all computer accounts used in Cluster are enabled for Kerberos Delegation and that the user service...

InfoPath Form errors when pulling data from UserProfileService within SharePoint 2010

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Configuring Apple MACs for use in an enterprise environment

We currently own over 150 Apple computers, 20 which are MacBook Pro's and the remaining amount being iMAC’s. All of our MACs are unmanaged and require onsite assistance when issues occur. These are some of the issues we experience when using MACs in our enterprise environment; DNS resolution issues Proxy settings disappearing from the Network Settings for the Network Adapter. Constant bombardment of proxy authentication prompts once logged into the MAC for the first time using your Windows Credentials. There are two prompts for system HTTP & HTTPS and two prompts for the Safari Web Browser (HTTP & HTTPS). Safari Web Browser not set to the default home page for our company Printers have to be manually configured on the MACS Blocking of applications is too complicated for staff to manage (causes other issues with other programs) Attached network drives, home shares and memory sticks are not always visible on the users desktop All of the computers individuall...

Camino not authenticating with proxy

When using Camino to access the internet via a proxy which requests authentication, the default settings do not work as you are not prompted for credentials, so internet access is denied. . To enable Camino to ask for a username and password when requesting access to the internet; navigate to about:config set network.negotiate-auth.allow-proxies to false Now you should be prompted for your credentials when accessing a secure website. Good Luck!

Error Creating Visual Studio 2010 Silverlight Phone Application on Shared Drive

We have been experiencing issues creating projects within Visual Studio 2010 for Silverlight for Windows Phones where the project location is on a shared drive / resource. During the build, this error is displayed; C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\Silverlight for Phone\v4.0\Microsoft.Silverlight.Common.targets(249,9): error : Could not load the assembly file:///p:\visual studio 2010\Projects\PhoneApp5\PhoneApp5\obj\Debug\PhoneApp5.dll. This assembly may have been downloaded from the Web.  If an assembly has been downloaded from the Web, it is flagged by Windows as being a Web file, even if it resides on the local computer. This may prevent it from being used in your project. You can change this designation by changing the file properties. Only unblock assemblies that you trust. See for more information. It is possible to get this working by creating a new environment variable, system or user with the following data; COMPL...

Configuring Frame Relay in GNS3 with OSPF

Today I have been configuring frame relay in GNS3. My setup is one frame relay switch with one virtual frame relay circuit, point to point. Here is the configuration for the interfaces on R1 and R2. R1#sh run | sec interface Serial0/0 interface Serial0/0  no ip address  encapsulation frame-relay  clock rate 2000000  cdp enable interface Serial0/0.1 point-to-point  ip address  frame-relay interface-dlci 101 R1# R1#sh run | sec interface Loopback1 interface Loopback1  ip address R1# R2#sh run | sec interface Serial0/0 interface Serial0/0  no ip address  encapsulation frame-relay  clock rate 2000000  cdp enable interface Serial0/0.1 point-to-point  ip address  frame-relay interface-dlci 202 R2# R2#sh run | sec interface Loopback1 interface Loopback1  ip address R2# Notice the clock rate is sp...

Code Snippets in NetBeans

Just found out how to use Code Snippets in Java. A pretty basic feature which I found useful so thought I would share. This basically saves you time when typing the same command regularlly. If you don't completely understand, just try it out and see what you think. I wish I had found it years ago! To complete; Open NetBeans Click Tools, Options Click Editor button Click Code Templates Tab Click New Type in Abbreviation and press OK. Example 'So' Within Expanded Text, type in the code you want to display when you type the abbreviation. An example may be System.out.println(""); To change the way the code is inserted into the java document, click the drop down box for Expand Template and select whatever you want. I just left it on default, Tab. Go back to your Java document and type the abbreviation followed by Tab. Have Fun

Configure Cisco Switch or Router to Use ACS for AAA Services

Hi All I'm back again. I was figuring out how to use the ACS for managing access to switches and routers within GNS3 but I suppose a similar experience would occur in the physical real world! Before attempting any of this, ensure you are able to ping your ACS's and Routers/Switches. These are the settings which are required on the Router / Switch.  Basic Default Line VTY Settings Login to ACS   Add Device Locations & Types Add Device Create User Groups    Add Users     Create Shell Profiles (linked to Access Policies) - Priviledges for Users Command Sets Service Selection Rules - should be there by default    Default Device Admin       Default Device Admin - Authorization       Test Router / Switch using Priviledge Level 0    Notice the command failure? It was n...